Shamay in the 90’s in the Paris suburbs; as a little girl she learnt classical dance and modern’ jazz, also music and gymnastic.
In 2006 she discovered fire street arts and joined the compagnie “Nostra Sceïn” until 2009.
From 2010, she started a duo called “Lucioles” performing fusion of flow arts and dancing.
Since 2012, She teaches hoop dance in the association “Hoopera”.
In 2013 as Tribal fusion is becoming more popular with famous artists as: Julie de St Blanca, Anasma et Linda Faoro , She develops her own style and explore belly hoopfusiondance, a mix between hooping and tribal fusion dancing.
In 2016 the Luciole widens and becomes Hanabi Circus.
Shamay loves traveling and carrying everywhere her hoops and many other toys to meet friends all around the globe.
You can see more videos on her youtube channel : ShamaYade
more infos on :
Urban belly hoop : how to hoop dance with such good tricks!
Fan spinning with dance fusion.